duminică, 15 noiembrie 2009

Disneyland - Paris

Disneyland Park este un parc tematic si face parte din Disneyland Resort Paris. Acesta este amplasat în afara Parisului, in Marne-la-Vallée, Franţa. Parcul este bazat pe conceptul de "pionierat in California". Ocupând 566560 m² (140 acri), acesta este cel mai mare parc Disney. S-a deschis - ca EURO DISNEYLAND - la data de 12 aprilie 1992. Printre schimbările facute fata de parcul original a fost schimbarea de la Tomorrowland la "Discoveryland", dând zona de o temă retrofuturistic, mai degrabă decât futurist. Alte elemente care au fost modificate includ Haunted Mansion, care a fost reproiectat ca Phantom Manor, si Space Mountain. Modificările în parc au fost făcute pentru a proteja împotriva schimbării vremii din climatul parizian. Au fost adăugate Aleile Acoperite şi Michael Eisner a dispus instalarea de 35 de seminee în hoteluri şi restaurante. Parcul, precum şi complexele din jurul acestuia, iniţial nu au reuşit să răspundă aşteptărilor financiare. Acest lucru a dus la o schimbare de imagine în care cuvântul "euro" a fost eliminat din mai multe nume, inclusiv Euro Disneyland.
În 2008, harta parcului continea 49 de atractii în cinci zone cunoscute ca "terenuri."
Sursa: Wikipedia
Foto: Pozaru

Disneyland Park is a theme park which is a part of Disneyland Resort Paris. Operated by Euro Disney S.C.A., it is one of two theme parks in the complex just outside of Paris, in Marne-la-Vallée, France.
The park is based on a concept pioneered by Disneyland in California and further employed at the Magic Kingdom in Florida and Tokyo Disneyland in Japan. Occupying 566,560 m² (140 acres), it is the largest Disney park based on the original in California. The park opened as Euro Disneyland on 12 April 1992. For the fourth park to be based on the original in Anaheim, California, modifications were made to the concepts and designs of the park. Amongst these changes was a shift from Tomorrowland to "Discoveryland", giving the area a retrofuturistic theme rather than futuristic. Other elements that were altered include the Haunted Mansion, which was redesigned as Phantom Manor, and Space Mountain. The park's location in Europe brought forth its own challenges. For instance, the castle is said by its designers to have been necessarily reevaluated for a continent on which authentic castles stand.
Modifications to the park were made to protect against changes in weather in the Parisian climate. Covered walkways were added and Michael Eisner ordered the installation of 35 fireplaces in hotels and restaurants. "People walk around Disney World (sic) with humidity and temperatures in the 90s, and they walk into an air-conditioned ride and say, 'This is the greatest,'" said Eisner. "When it's raining and miserable, I hope they will walk into one of those lobbies with the fireplace going and say the same thing."
The park, as well as its surrounding complex, initially failed to meet financial expectations. This resulted in an image change in which the word "Euro" was phased out of several names, including Euro Disneyland.
In 2008, the park map lists 49 attractions in five areas known as "lands."
Source: Wikipedia
Photo: Pozaru

4 comentarii:

Dili spunea...

Privind redevenim copii.... castele si minunatii.. cine oare nu si-ar dori? Sa fii acolo pentru-o zi - nici ca mai fericit poti fi!!!

Pozaru' spunea...

:)) Bine zis, Dili! Nici nu stiu ce sa-ti raspund, m-ai inchis! :))

Paul spunea...

Am iubit in copilarie o tanara craiasa(pentru mine asa era), locuia in Paris si inca mai locuieste, ferice de cel ce poate vedea astfel de minunatii.
Frumos, tare frumos...!

Pozaru' spunea...

Ferice de cel ce iubeste si e iubit, minunatiile acelea pot sa mai astepte! Multam' fain de vizita, Paul! Toate cele bune!