Povestea constructiei acestei manastiri incepe in sec 17, cand Preda Brâncoveanu a inaltat prima biserica din lemn pe valea Sambetei. In acelasi loc in jurul anului 1696 Constantin Brâncoveanu, conducatorul Tarii Romanesti intre 1688 - 1714, a construit prima biserica din piatra pentru a salva ortodoxismul romanesc din calea distrugerilor puse la cale de habsburgii care in anul 1683 cucerisera Transilvania si voiau sa impuna catolicismul. In 1785 manastirea a fost partial distrusa din ordinul generalului Bukow din Viena. Toate chiliile au fost rase de pe fata pamantului, iar calugarii au fost obligati sa paraseasca manastirea. In urmatorii 140 de ani multi oameni de vaza au incercat sa reconstruiasca manastirea. Dintre ei merita amintiti: Mitropolitul Andrei Saguna, Episcopul Ilarie Puscariu si calugarita Maria Boros. Din pacate nici unul nu a reusit sa-si puna planurile in aplicare. Onoarea de a fi al doilea ctitor al Manastirii Brancoveanu ii apartine Mitropolitului Th. D. Nicolae Balan, care a inceput lucrarile de reconstructie in 1926. Sfintirea manastirii a avut loc in 1946 , dupa razboi.Biserica este construita in stil brancovenesc (foarte la moda in Tara Romaneasca la sfarsitul sec 17 -inceputul sec 18). Pietre masive decoreaza ferestrele si incadreza usile. Clopotnita este octogonala pe exterior si cilindrica pe interior. Privita pe interior biserica este la fel ca toate celelalte construite in aceeasi perioada: altar, naos, portic. Picturile de pe portic sunt noi si reprezinta scene din Vechiul Testament. Intrarea dintre portic spre nartex se face printr-o usa groasa de stejar incadrata de piatra. In partea de vest a nartexului, unde se afla pictura Fecioarei Maria, se poate observa si portretul Brancovenilor, fondatorii bisericii. In interiorul manastirii se afla cinci clopote de la Viena ce cantaresc 2000 kg. Zidurile care inconjoara manastirea au fost reconstruite tot in stil brancovenesc, sub forma de cvatrilater. Trei turnuri sapate in piatra imfrumuseteaza zidurile atat pe exterior cat si pe interior. La parterul manastirii, in partea de nord, sunt amplasate chiliile calugarilor si abatia. Primul etaj adaposteste clopotnita si o biserica noua extrem de spatioasa. La parter, in partea de sud, putem vedea sala de mese, bucataria si vreo cateva chilii, in timp ce la primul etaj descoperim o imensa biblioteca si un xenodochium. In cladirea noua care adaposteste muzeul, sunt expuse unele dintre cele mai vechi picturi pe sticla - apartinand sec 18 si 19 - si documente foarte vechi si rare (scrisori, prima editie a unor ziare, sutane purtate de calugari, obiecte ecleziastice).
(sursa: Hoinari prin Romania)
(fotografii: Pozaru)
Brancoveanu Monastery is located within municipalities Sambata de Sus and Dragus, Brasov county.
The story begins in sec 17, when was built first wooden church in the valley Sambetei. In the same place around 1696 Constantin Brâncoveanu, leader of the Romanian Country between 1688 to 1714, the first church built of stone to save the Romanian Orthodox in the way of destruction planned by the Habsburgs who in 1683 conquered Transylvania and wanted to impose Catholicism. In 1785 the monastery was partially destroyed by order of General Bukow Vienna. All cells were races on earth, and monks were forced to leave the monastery. Over the next 140 years prominent people have tried to rebuild the monastery. Among them tall tales: Metropolitan Andrei Saguna, Bishop Hilary Puscariu and nun Maria Boros. Unfortunately, none failed to put plans into effect. The honor of being the second founder of the monastery belongs Brancoveanu Metropolitan Th. Nicholas D. Balan, who began the work of reconstruction in 1926. Dedication took place in the monastery in 1946, after it is built in the style Brancoveanu razboi.Biserica (very fashionable in Romanian Country at the end of 17th century early 18th century). Bell tower is octagonal on the outside and the inside cylinder. Seen on the inside the church is like any other built in the same period: the chancel, nave, porch. Paintings from the porch are new and represent scenes from the Old Testament. Entry of the narthex ways is through a thick oak door framed by stone. In the west of narthex, where he was painting the Virgin Mary, you can see the portrait Brancoveanu, founders of the church. Inside the monastery is five bells of Vienna which weigh 2000 kg. The walls surrounding the monastery has been rebuilt all Brancoveanu style form of cvatrilater. On the ground floor of the monastery, in the north, the cells are placed monks and abbey. The first floor houses a new church bell and extremely spacious. Downstairs, in the south, we can see the dining room, kitchen and a couple cells, while the first floor we find a huge library and a xenodochium. The new building which houses the museum, are exhibited some of the oldest paintings on glass - belonging to 18 and 19 sec - and very old and rare documents (letters, first edition of newspapers, gown worn by monks, ecclesiastical objects).
Source: Hoinari prin Romania
Photo: Pozaru
Poarta manastirii

Manastirea Brancoveanu

Aleea principala
2 comentarii:
Eee asa surpriza zic si eu, bravo domnule, gand la gand... frumos, frumos... si e prima oara cand intr-adevar as vrea sa merg sa vizitez manastirea dar fara sa mai urc mai departe... e un taram de vis acolo, rupt din povesti, iar cine nu a fost nu cunoaste sentimentul :-)
Stiam ca aceste locuri iti sunt foarte dragi... Cand te hotarasti sa vizitezi manastirea da-mi de stire, trebuie sa-ti spun cateva lucruri inainte. Nu multa lume stie ce sa vada acolo! Ciao!
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