
Prima intalnire a Prietenilor Panoramio Romania s-a desfasurat la Olanesti in perioada 20-22 Martie 2009. Intalnirea a fost facilitata de colegul nostru Goguta, OMUL fara de care aceasta intalnire ar fi ramas un vis frumos. In linii mari intalnirea s-a desfasurat astfel: Vineri seara socializare, masa de seara, sprit si povesti pana spre miezul noptii. Sambata dimineata am pornit in excursie catre Schitul Iezer, pe Valea Cheii. S-a vizitat Schitul si Sihastria de pe deal. E de prisos sa mai spun ca s-au facut fotografii. Timpul nu prea ne-a ajutat, vremea fiind destul de rece si inchisa, la un moment dat incepand chiar sa fulguie. Dupa masa de pranz am pornit cu totii in plimbare in statiunea Olanesti. Am facut mai multe sedinte foto in parcul central, la izvoare, la Biserica Horea, la Pavilionul de Bai Minerale. Seara am luat masa la pensiunea Casa Vanatorilor (4****) unde am si fost cazati si unde ne-am simtit foarte bine pe tot parcursul intalnirii. Dupa masa de seara am schimbat idei, impresii si din nou ne-a prins miezul noptii discutand. Duminica dimineata am luat masa cu totii, dupa care ne-am luat la revedere de la Dan si de la Bogdan care aveau drum lung de batut. Cei care am ramas (Simona, Estrela, Carmen, Gabi si subsemnatul) am facut o mica excursie pe dealul din spatele pensiunii, excursie care s-a dovedit a fi un succes, mai ales pentru ca vremea a fost excelenta. De pe deal am putut admira muntii Capatanii acoperiti cu zapada, in toata splendoarea lor, statiunea Olanesti vazuta de sus, precum si alte lucruri interesante. Dupa masa de pranz ne-am luat la revedere de la primitoarea noastra gazda, doamna Maria, dupa care am plecat spre casa.
Pe toata durata intalnirii atmosfera a fost relaxata, ca intre prieteni. Singurul regret al tuturor a fost ca Goguta nu a putut sa fie mai mult timp alaturi de noi.
Estrela (estrela*), Simona (Ghiocela), Carmen (carmen2003sag), Gabi (gabiavram), Dan (dbotez), Bogdan (BogdanGoim) si subsemnatul cu familia.
Pe toata durata intalnirii atmosfera a fost relaxata, ca intre prieteni. Singurul regret al tuturor a fost ca Goguta nu a putut sa fie mai mult timp alaturi de noi.
Estrela (estrela*), Simona (Ghiocela), Carmen (carmen2003sag), Gabi (gabiavram), Dan (dbotez), Bogdan (BogdanGoim) si subsemnatul cu familia.
Multumim doamnei Maria pentru gazduire si lui Goguta pentru TOT!
The first meeting of Friends Panoramio Romania took in Olanesti resort, in 20-22 March 2009. The meeting was facilitated by our colleague Goguta, The Man without whom this meeting would have been a beautiful dream. The meeting took place roughly as follows: Friday evening socializing, dinner, some bottles of vine and stories up to midnight. Saturday morning we went on a trip to Hermitage Iezer on Cheii Valley. There we visited the Hermitage and the Sihastria from the hill. It is useless to say that the photos were made. Time not really helped us, the weather was quite cold and closed at a time starting even snowing. After lunch we went to walk, all of us, to Olanesti resort. We have made several photo session in Central Park in spring, the church Horea, the Pavilion of the Mineral Baths. In the evening we had dinner at Casa Vanatorilor (4 ****) and where I was staying and where we felt very well throughout the meeting. After dinner we exchanged ideas, impressions and again caught us talking midnight. Sunday morning we had lunch together, then we had goodbye from Dan and Bogdan who had a long way up. Those who have remained (Simona, Estrela, Carmen, Gabi and myself) I made a small trip on the hill behind the guesthouse, a trip which proved a success, especially because the weather was excellent. From the hill we could admire Capatanii Mountains covered with snow, in all their splendor, the resort Olanesti seen from above, and other interesting things. After lunch we had our goodbye to the host, Mrs. Mary, then we went home.
Throughout the duration of the meeting atmosphere was relaxed, as between friends.
Estrela (Estrela *), Simona (Ghiocel), Carmen (carmen2003sag), Gabi (gabiavram), Dan (dbotez), Bogdan (BogdanGoim) and myself with family.
Thanks for Mrs. Mary for hosting and to Goguta for everything!
Multumim doamnei Maria pentru gazduire si lui Goguta pentru TOT!
The first meeting of Friends Panoramio Romania took in Olanesti resort, in 20-22 March 2009. The meeting was facilitated by our colleague Goguta, The Man without whom this meeting would have been a beautiful dream. The meeting took place roughly as follows: Friday evening socializing, dinner, some bottles of vine and stories up to midnight. Saturday morning we went on a trip to Hermitage Iezer on Cheii Valley. There we visited the Hermitage and the Sihastria from the hill. It is useless to say that the photos were made. Time not really helped us, the weather was quite cold and closed at a time starting even snowing. After lunch we went to walk, all of us, to Olanesti resort. We have made several photo session in Central Park in spring, the church Horea, the Pavilion of the Mineral Baths. In the evening we had dinner at Casa Vanatorilor (4 ****) and where I was staying and where we felt very well throughout the meeting. After dinner we exchanged ideas, impressions and again caught us talking midnight. Sunday morning we had lunch together, then we had goodbye from Dan and Bogdan who had a long way up. Those who have remained (Simona, Estrela, Carmen, Gabi and myself) I made a small trip on the hill behind the guesthouse, a trip which proved a success, especially because the weather was excellent. From the hill we could admire Capatanii Mountains covered with snow, in all their splendor, the resort Olanesti seen from above, and other interesting things. After lunch we had our goodbye to the host, Mrs. Mary, then we went home.
Throughout the duration of the meeting atmosphere was relaxed, as between friends.
Estrela (Estrela *), Simona (Ghiocel), Carmen (carmen2003sag), Gabi (gabiavram), Dan (dbotez), Bogdan (BogdanGoim) and myself with family.
Thanks for Mrs. Mary for hosting and to Goguta for everything!
12 comentarii:
Chiar daca vremea de sambata trecuta nu a fost atat de prietenoasa, prima intalnire a Panoramistilor... a fost adaugata la "favorite"..de toti participantii! Multimirile noastre pentru o organizare de ..4 stelute aurii, lui Goguta!!
Multumiri si tie Cristi..! Ai fost sufletul si "motorasul" acestei intalniri!
Primul pas a fost facut!! Si a fost facut bine! E important!...Atunci..."pe curand"?!
Simona, iti multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase, ca si pentru prezenta pe blog. Sper sa devina obisnuinta.
Si eu cred ca aceasta intalnirea fost o reusita, deja s-a stabilit locul desfasurarii celei de a 2-a intalniri: Delta Dunarii. Urmeaza sa mai stabilim si data. Sper sa poti veni!
Eii felicitari pentru intalneala si frumoasele fotografii! Asteptam poze cu stufarisul la vara!
aaaaaa !!!! ce frumos !!!!!! bv bv bv !!! si data viitoare, poate imi dati si mie un mail, si daca pot, vin!!! asta-s eu :) http://www.panoramio.com/user/1879302 "alinavalentina"
Multumim mult, DILI! Ne bucuram ca-ti plac fotografiile, banuiesc ca le-ai vazut si pe celelalte! Cauta prin arhiva, stergele de praf si uploadeaza si tu cateva fotografii. Te asteptam!
E in regula, Alina, dar ar fi fost si mai bine daca lasai o adresa de mail. :)) Ideea e ca trebuie sa alegem intre: 18 Mai-14 Iunie si luna August. Rezervarile trebuie facute din timp si pentru pensiune, dar si pentru vaporul care ne va duce de la Tulce la Sulina. Astept un raspuns al tau la adresa de email din pagina de blog.
O sa anunt dar decat sa sterg de praf prefer sa fac unele noi, asa ca astept o iesire la munte :P
Pacat, stiu ca ai poze frumoase!
:) ce bine ca mi-ai dat linkul !!! pt ca eu am intrat atunci, si nu am trecut blogul la fav, si la munca seara mi se sterge istoria din IE :(( acum esti printre stele :D
Pai si cum ii anuntam pe toti? Eu sambata sper sa-mi iau trepied, indiferent daca imi iau sau nu, tot ies la o "serata" foto :)), sa facem un itinerar ceva cu oprire pe la vreo carciumioara ? :)) habar n-am.
Scuze, abia acum am vazut mesajul, Andrei! Poti fi sigur ca gasesc o modalitate ca sa anunt cat mai multi! Toate bune!
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