luni, 31 ianuarie 2011

Old Times

Photo: Pozaru'

marți, 18 ianuarie 2011

Manastirea Sfintei Cruci (Oradea) - Holy Cross Monastery (Oradea)

Manastirea Sfintei Cruci a luat fiinta in anul 1992, amplasata la doi km distanta de orasul Oradea, intr-un loc unde inainte de aceasta data nu exista nici o asezare, in scurt timp s-a ridicat un adevarat complex monahal.
Prima biserica a manastirii a fost o bisericuta de lemn, datand de la inceputul secolului al XVIII-lea, monument istoric. A fost adusa din satul Corbesti, judetul Bihor intr-o stare de degradare avansata, insa s-a reusit reconstituirea ei astfel ca si-a redobandit stralucirea de altadata.
In anul 1994, s-a pus piatra de temelie a bisericii de zid, care practic constituie centrul complexului monahal. Biserica, construita in plan triconc, prezinta fresca atat interior cat si exterior, cu pictura bizantina, culorile folosite fiind in cea mai mare parte culori naturale. Prezenta picturii exterioare, care acopera in intregime edificiul, ii confera unicitate in Transilvania, realizeaza un arc in timp si spatiu intre viata monahala actuala din aceasta parte a tarii si cea de odinioara, din spatiul moldav, considerat ca o adevarata pepiniera a vietii monahale romanesti.
In doar cativa ani obstea manastirii a sporit impresionant, in prezent numarand 80 de vietuitoare, in fruntea carora se afla maica stareta, Stavrofora Mina Badila si parintele duhovnic Protosinghel Atanasie Paleu, cei care vegheaza la respectarea bunelor randuieli statornicite prin canoanele sfintilor parinti.
Desi aflata la inceput de drum manastirea are cateva ateliere:
- atelierul de croitorie+broderie, unde se executa vesminte preotesti cu divese modele de broderie
- atelierul de pictura - icoane bizantine pe panza sau lemn.

Holy Cross Monastery was founded in 1992, located two km from the city of Oradea, in a place before this date there is no settlement, it quickly rose a real monastic complex.
The first church of the monastery was a wooden church, dating from the early eighteenth century, a historical monument. Corbesti was brought from the village, Bihor county in an advanced state of decay, but we managed rebuild them so that he regained shine of old. In 1994, he laid the foundation stone of the church wall, which is practically the center of the monastic complex. The church, built in triconch plan, shows both indoor and outdoor frescoes, Byzantine painting, the colors used are mostly in natural colors. This painting outside, covering the entire building, gives uniqueness in Transylvania, made a bow in time and space between the current monastic life in this part of the country and the old, the Moldovan space, considered as a real nursery Romanian monastic life .
In a few years the congregation has increased impressively monastery, now counting 80 creatures, is headed by Mother Superior, and father confessor Stavrofora Mina Badila and Protosingelos Paleu Athanasius, who guard the observance of the holy canons of good ordinances settled by parents.
Although located at the beginning the monastery has several workshops: - Embroidery sewing workshop, where the divas perform priestly garments embroidery patterns - Painting workshop - Byzantine icons on canvas or wood.

Photo: Pozaru'

duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011


Photo: Pozaru'

sâmbătă, 1 ianuarie 2011