Cea de a doua intalnire a "Prietenilor Panoramio Romania" s-a desfasurat in statiunea Parang, langa Petrosani in perioada 28-30 August 2009. Rezervarile pentru cazare au fost facute din timp la vila Parang, unde am beneficiat de tot confortul… gratie prietenilor nostrii din zona – Maria, Sorin si Nata..... Cei mai matinali au fost Cristi (BubuPescar) si Simona care au ajuns in cursul diminetii de vineri. Inspre pranz am reusit sa ajung si eu impreuna cu Estrela si Gabi. Vremea nu a fost foarte prietenoasa pentru o primire calduroasa... – ploua marunt si rece! – dar poate dorea doar sa ne arate caldura si razele de soare...treptat...pe masura ce ne cunostea… ! ;) Intre timp din Petrosani il recuperasem si pe Sorin, una din gazdele noastre. In asteptarea lui Mihai (Vladaianu) am facut o scurta excursie de recunoastere a imprejurimior, un mic pretext pentru a ne dezmorti si pentru a face fotografii. Seara, la masa, am facut planul de bataie pentru ziua de sambata : vf. Parangu Mic (2074 m) si creasta ce duce spre vf. Carja.
Zis si facut : dis-de-dimineata (a se citi ora 9) am purces la drum. Estrela, Simona, Gabi, Cristi, Mihaela si Mihai si eu cu familia incercam sa profitam de vremea excelenta si sa ajungem pe varf. Pe drum am facut o gramada de fotografii, insa cativa dintre noi n-au putut tine pasul si au ramas in statiune. Pana la urma, dupa un urcus destul de greu, am reusit sa ajungem pe vf. Parangu Mic si sa ne bucuram de o priveliste minunata, urmatorii : Estrela, Simona, Gabi, Cristi si subsemnatul. Rasplata efortului de a junge in varf a fost nu doar bogatia de imagini si culori... si lumea ce se vedea la picioarele noastre...de jur imprejur...ci si fructele proaspete si coapte. ..- afine ! – ce abia asteptau sa fie culese ! Dupa o destul de scurta plimbare pe creasta si mai multe sedinte foto ne-am grabit sa ne intoarcem la cabana si pentru ca Radu Bulubasa venise tocmai de la Cluj si ne astepta. Din pacate, dupa masa de pranz, Radu si familia au trebuit sa plece si nu ne-am putut bucura de compania lor mai mult timp. Pe seara am facut din nou o scurta excursie in locul unde a fost construita prima cabana din Parang, arsa cu multi ani in urma. Aici am profitat de apus si de frumusetea locului ca sa facem fotografii catre vf. Carja si catre valea Jiului. La cabana, dupa masa de seara, am ramas la un « schimb de impresii » pana dupa miezul noptii, ajutati si de borsul oltenesc trimis cu dedicatie de dl. Chelu.
Nu ne-au putut onora cu prezenta din motive bine intemeiate dl. Chelu, Goguta, Mircea (mmeila), Carmen (carmen2003sag) si Ciprian (pontica).
Estrela, Simona (Ghiocela), Gabi (gabiavram), Cristi (BubuPescar), Mihaela si Mihai Vladaianu, Mirela si Nicu Ermineanu, Maria (MioaraP), Sorin (pvlsorin), Sylvester Nata, Dan Gabor, familia Bulubasa si subsemnatul cu familia.
Multumiri speciale celor «din vale» : Maria, Sorin, Nata si Dan care s-au ocupat de rezervari si nu numai !
The second meeting of "Friends of Panoramio Romania" was held to the Parang resort, near Petrosani on 28-30 August 2009. Bookings for accommodation were made for the villa Parang, where I enjoyed all the comforts ... thanks to our friends in the area - Maria, Sorin and Nata ..... Cristi and Simona arrived in the morning of Friday. Towards lunch we managed to find and I along with Estrela and Gabi. The weather was not very friendly for a warm ... - Rain and cold breeze! - But it only wanted to show us warmth and sunlight ... slowly ... as we knew ...! ;) Meanwhile from Petrosani we recovered for Sorin, one of our hosts. In anticipation of Mihai (Vladaianu) I made a side trip to surrounding recognition, a small excuse to stretch us and take pictures. Evening meal, I did battle plan for Saturday: vf. Parangu Mic (2074 m) and the ridge leading to vf. Carja.
Said and done: the early morning (read at 9) I started to go. Estrela, Simona, Gabi, Cristi, Mihaela and Mihai and families, try to take advantage of excellent weather and get on top. On the way we did a lot of photos, but some of us could not keep up and stayed in the resort. Eventually, after a difficult climb, we managed to get the vf. Parangu Mic and to enjoy a wonderful view, the following: Estrela, Simona, Gabi, Cristi and myself. Reward effort on top of junge was not only the abundance of images and colors ... and you see the world at our feet ... round about ... but fresh fruit and baked. ..- Blueberries! - Why just waiting to be picked! After a very short walk to the crest and several photo sessions we hurried to get back to the cabin and came just as Radu Bulubasa from Cluj and expected. Unfortunately, after lunch, Radu and his family had to leave and we could not enjoy their company more time. On the evening we again made a side trip to the place where the first cottage was built in Parang, burned many years ago. Here we took the sunset and the beauty of the place to make pictures by vf. Carja and the Jiului Valley. At the cottage, after dinner, we stayed in a "change of impressions" until after midnight, help and dedication of “borsch oltenesc” (tzuica-very strong drink) sent by Mr. Chelu.
We couldn’t meet this well-founded reasons Mr. Chelu, Goguta, Mircea (mmeila), Carmen (carmen2003sag) and Ciprian (Pontica).
Estrela, Simona (Ghiocela), Gabi (gabiavram), Cristi (BubuPescar), Mihaela and Mihai Vladaianu, Mirela and Nicu Ermineanu, Maria (MioaraP), Sorin (pvlsorin), Sylvester Nata, Dan Gabor, Radu Bulubasa and family and myself with family.
Special thanks to our hosts: Maria, Sorin, Nata and Dan who took the reservation and more others things!
Retezatul in lumina apusului
In asteptarea micului dejun (foto: Gabi)
Un mic popas in drumul spre varf (foto: Gabi)
Cristi si-a gasit un model ascultator
Subiect: Gabi
Gabi a gasit ca de fiecare data un subiect interesant!
Pe varful Parangu Mic (foto: Gabi)
"Borsul Oltenesc" al d-lui Chelu
In cautare de subiecte
De la stanga la dreapta: Pozaru', Nicu, Mirela, Simona, Cristi, Estrela, Gabi, Mihaela, Maria, Nata, Sorin, Kika, Dan si Viorica (foto: Mihai)